Under the Private Education Act 2009, a Committee for Private Education Institution (www.skillsfuture.gov.sg/pei) was set up in December 2009 to regulate the private education sector in Singapore and raise standards over time. From 21 December 2010, all private education institutions (PEIs) are required to be registered under a new Enhanced Registration Framework (ERF) and comply with the regulations under the Act in order to operate. A voluntary certification scheme, known as EduTrust, has also been introduced to help distinguish higher quality players in Singapore’s private education industry.
Since October 2016, SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) has been responsible for overseeing the private education Sector and has worked closely with the Committee for Private Education (CPE), appointed by SSG, to carry out the functions and governance powers relating to private education under the Private Education Act 2009.
With effect from 1 October 2024, the CPE will be dissolved and SSG will directly exercise its functions and powers under the Private Education Act 2009 and subsidiary legislations.
SISH Institute is registered with SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) under the Enhanced Registration Framework as well as certified under the EduTrust certification scheme.
FPS is a pre-requisite that PEIs, such as SISH Institute, have to meet in order to apply for EduTrust certification. FPS protects students’ fees in the event that SISH Institute is unable to continue operating due to insolvency, and/or closure, as well as if SISH Institute is unable to pay a judgement sum due to a student.
Under the FPS Group Insurance (FPS-G), the Contract of Insurance (COI) Policy no. Z24BX01142170 is issued to SISH Institute by the FPS Insurer – Lonpac Insurance Bhd.
Fees refer to all monies that are paid to SISH Institute by the student to be enrolled in SISH Institute. The following fees are exempted from the FPS:
a) Course application fee
b) Prevailing Goods and Services Tax (GST)
c) Miscellaneous fees
d) FPS insurance premium
e) Examination fees collected less than 2 months before examination date
Re-module fees, if collected, have to be protected.
Course application fee refers to the fee that the student pays for the sole purpose of processing the application form submitted so that SISH Institute can check if the student meets the course admission requirements. This application fee must not have any fee component that is used to offset course fee payment.
Miscellaneous fees refer to non-compulsory fees potentially chargeable on account of, or arising from, the Student’s undertaking of the Course, and as described in Schedule C of the Student’s Contract. Such fees are normally collected by SISH Institute when the need arises.
Further details can be found here: EduTrust Fee Protection Scheme Instruction Manual (Version 6.0)
A. Refund Policy
SISH shall have a fair and reasonable refund policy for any payment made and maintain up-to-date and accurate refund records at all times. The refund policy is clearly communicated to all its students via the website, student contract, and student handbook. The refund policy must be clearly explained to all students and prospective students. The policy should also be available in students’ native languages where applicable. Students must also be communicated about the computation of the refund amount.
1. Refund for withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course:
a. SISH shall inform the student immediately within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the following:
- It does not commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date; For example, insufficient number of students to commence the course.)
- It terminates the Course before the Course Commencement Date; (For example, termination of partnership agreement with external education partner.)
- It does not complete the Course by the Course Completion Date. (For example, closure of school.)
- It terminates the Course before the Course Completion Date; or (For example, closure of school)
- It has not ensured that the Student meets the course entry or matriculation requirement as set by the organisation stated in Schedule A of the Student Contract within any stipulated timeline set by CPE; or
- The Student’s Pass application is rejected by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
b. The Student shall be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the Student decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.
2. Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons:
If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in the above circumstances (i) to (vi), SISH shall, within seven (7) working days of receiving the Student’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Student an amount based on the below table.
% of [amount of fees paid under Schedule B and C of the Student Contract] | If student’s written notice of withdrawal is received |
90% | more than 30 days before the Course Commencement Date |
50% | before, but not more than 30 days before the Course Commencement Date |
25% | after, but not more than 3 days after the Course Commencement Date |
0% | more than 3 days after the Course Commencement Date |
3. Refund During Cooling-Off Period:
SISH shall provide the Student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date of the Student Contract has been signed by both parties. The Student will be refunded the highest percentage stated in Schedule D of the Student Contract of the fees already paid if the Student submits a written notice of withdrawal to SISH Institute within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the Student has started the course or not.
4. Non-refundable fees
The following fees are non-refundable:
- Application Fee
- External Examination Fees (if applicable)
- Relevant bank charges paid by SISH
- Fees charged for administrative services (for example, late payment charges, re-prints of transcripts)
- Consumed miscellaneous fees (Refer to Schedule C of the Student Contract)
- Transfer of Programme Fee
- Course Progression Fee
5. Transfer applications
For approved transfer applications, the balance of the unconsumed course fees can be transferred to the new course. (Refer to the “Transfer” definition in the Transfer/Withdrawal Policy)
B. Review
SISH regularly reviews the refund policy and refund procedures to ensure that it remains fair to the students and for continual improvement
Please click here to view the Refund Procedures. You may also refer to the Disute Resolution Policy and Proccedures, Final Results Appeals, Transfer/Wihdrawal Policies and Procedures etc. (Extracted from SISH Student Handbook)
All students will enter into a standard SSG’s PEI-Student Contract with SISH during admission. Please click here to download a copy of the Standard PEI-Student Contract from the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) website.