China Study Tour 2019

Last week, we welcomed students from various High Schools in China to SISH Institute campus for their study tour from 28 July to 1 August 2019. This study tour allowed them to immerse themselves in the international tourism scene and experience the hospitality education system in Singapore.  During their time here, they have undergone an intensive programme, learning tips and tricks on housekeeping, fine dining etiquette, as well as trying out the role of front office!

Image above: China Study tour group with Mr Phillip Cyril Raj (centre), Corporate Head of Hospitality – Bay Hotel

The students getting some hands-on experience on table setting, dining etiquette and mocktail mixing in SISH Institute!

The students undergoing a personal grooming workshop, interactive English lesson, as well as napkin folding. They also had the opportunity to visit The Outpost Hotel Sentosa to experience a day of working in the hotel Industry!

We are honoured to host them for the Singapore Hospitality Immersion Programme and we hope that they enjoyed their time here!


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