SISH Alumni Spotlight: Cyprien Dallery

We catch up with one of our Vatel alumni, Cyprien Dallery (Bachelor’s Degree in International Hotel Management, Class of 2015), who is currently a Golf Events & Operations Supervisor at Club Med! 

Why did you choose to enrol in SISH/Vatel? 


Prior to joining Vatel Singapore, I just graduated from Griffith University and PGA International Golf Institute in Sport Management. I was looking for some more knowledge in the hotel industry in order to be more prepared to work in the golf operation or hotel industry as I was unsure regarding which industry I was going to dedicate myself into.


After researching, Vatel Singapore was a perfect fit as I grew up in Singapore, and I wanted to pursue my studies in English so that I can have a better grasp of the language. 



Where are you currently working at and can you briefly describe your job scope? 


I am currently working within Club Med, which I have been working for the past few years. I am currently a Golf Event & Operation Supervisor, after having experienced the various roles within the operation of the service and hotel industry.


As part of the Golf Events and Operations team, we provide our services to guests and groups for their upcoming stays. This consists of booking their golf package with the different golf course, providing them with golf lessons with different coaches available, and organising tournaments as well as creating golf demonstrations for them.


My job scope includes making sure that we provide the best deals compared to our competitors. I negotiate contracts with our golf suppliers, golf course and our transport company in order to provide a high standard of service that will satisfy our guests. In addition, I have to ensure that our golf facilities on site are up to standard and all our team are in the same frame of mindset, working together in harmony for a smooth operation on a daily basis.

What was the most memorable part of your education? 


Attending classes where there were only 10 to 15 students was enjoyable as we got to know each other better. 


As most lecturers will assign who we will be working with for group assignments, it makes us adapt and understand how to work with one another, and figuring out the most effective way to communicate and the delegation of workload. This has prepared me for the working environment where we will encounter people from all walks of life.



What is a specific moment in the classroom or during the application process where you knew you were on a path to your future career? 


There is not any particular moment, but my entire Bachelor Degree journey confirms my decision that I was heading into the right industry. Looking back at it, all my lecturers and guest speakers have prepared us to be successful in our field.



How do you feel you are better prepared for your future career?


Vatel prepared me for the industry out there through the knowledge parted from my lecturers and guest speakers.


However, the things that have prepared me the most for this industry were the group assignments, especially the group presentation, as in my job, 70% consist of me communicating with guests, my teams, as well as public speaking. I started out in the industry well-prepared and more comfortable than before as I am a naturally shy person, but through the presentations in school, I became accustomed and now it has become natural for me to talk in front of a large crowd.



What advice would you offer to current and future students? 


I believe that the lecturers and guest speakers are here to help you through your development. As a result, I think never be afraid to ask as many questions and advice as possible regarding your curiosity about this industry.

It will allow you to have a wider understanding to make the correct choice when you will need to in order to pick the right path. Students should always be thirsty for knowledge and dig deeper than the surface via research or reaching out to experts in the fields!


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