SISH Alumni Spotlight: Oliver Chenneveau

The industrial attachment at the end of my Advanced Diploma was the most memorable part of my education. I loved being hands-on and interacting with hotel guests. It was an invaluable experience and would definitely do it again,” shared SISH alumni Oliver Chenneveau (Advanced Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Class of 2015) on his favourite memory in school.

His advice for students who are planning to further their studies?

“No matter where you end up in your career, a background in hospitality is always beneficial. The ability to interact with respect and patience in front of others is an invaluable soft-skill, don’t shy away from it!”

Read on for his full interview!

Why did you choose to enrol in SISH/Vatel? 

SISH was a perfect fit for what I was looking for at that period in my life. After graduating from a US University, I was looking for a fast track programme to specialize in Hospitality Management. It happened to be the right programme, in the right place, at the right time and I took up the opportunity.

Where are you currently working at and can you briefly describe your job scope? 

I will be starting a new job this month after completing my MBA in Switzerland this year. I will be an HR Partner specializing in Talent Management for EMEA & APAC for a large US medical equipment manufacturer.

What was the most memorable part of your education? What is a specific moment in the classroom or during the application process where you knew you were on a path to your future career?

The industrial attachment at the end of my Advanced Diploma was the most memorable part of my education. I loved being hands-on and interacting with hotel guests. It was an invaluable experience and would definitely do it again. I also met my wife during this industrial attachment, so it was definitely nothing but good memories.

How do you feel you are better prepared for your future career?

SISH was an eye-opener for me on the inner workings of the industry.

The programme definitely prepared me for a future career in hospitality and I can credit my success in my internship to the programme. Interestingly, life took an unexpected turn, and I found myself crossing over to Human Resources, which I have been pursuing until now. I still have a soft-spot for Hospitality!

What advice would you offer to current and future students?

No matter where you end up in your career, a background in hospitality is always beneficial. The ability to interact with respect and patience in front of others is an invaluable soft-skill, don’t shy away from it.


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