SISH crowns Champion for National Cocktail Competition (Student Category) 2021

SISH Institute student Phay The Su (Rose) is crowned champion of the National Cocktail Competition (Student Category) 2021.  Her first time competing at national level, Rose delighted the judges with her showmanship and scored high in taste and presentation for her winning drink, Mysty Jade. 

In spite of a heavy schedule and a tight timeline, Rose displayed dauntless determination in putting in the hours of practice, refining her timing, technique and recipe. Ultimately, her diligence paid dividends as she was crowned Champion. 

The Singapore National Cocktail Competition was organised by the Association of Bartenders and Sommeliers (ABSS) and the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i). Amidst the current pandemic, the highly anticipated competition proceeded this year with stringent safety measures in place. 

Rose shared with us: “It started as a small interest of mine when I participated in the school’s mocktail competition back in May. Looking back, I did not expect myself to be preparing for the finals of the National Cocktail Competition. It was not smooth-sailing as I did not have any experience prior to this competition, and the training was tedious and sometimes, exhausting.

However, under the guidance of my trainer Mr Lens Gwee, and the school faculty’s assistance and support, I am proud of the vast improvement I have made throughout the process. Most importantly, I am extremely grateful for this opportunity to pursue my interest, apart from the academic curriculum!”

Congratulations to Phay The Su (Rose) once again for bringing home the Champion position in the 33rd National Cocktail Competition 2021 (students category).


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