Singapore Hospitality Study Tour

A holistic immersion workshop with a series of comprehensive sessions and fun activities over one week. It is carefully planned and designed to maximise learners’ quality learning experience. This study tour will allow learners to immerse themselves in the international tourism scene and experience the hospitality education system in Singapore.

Mode of Delivery

  • Face-to-face classroom lecture; Individual/Group Presentation/Discussion; Hands-on Practice
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The International Air Travel Industry

The course aims to provide students a holistic overview of the international air travel industry. They will develop knowledge and understanding of the scale of the international air travel or aviation industry and the role of organisations within the industry, including travel companies, airlines and airports.

Minimum Age :

  • 16 Year Old
  • Academic Requirement

    • Complete secondary school education or its equivalent.
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    Organisational Behaviour

    Organisation Behaviour (OB) is an interdisciplinary field that aims to better understand and manage people in the workplace. It is oriented towards research and application.

    This course is designed to acquaint learners with the theories of behaviour of people in social organisations. It also covers topics like managing organisational changes.

    Minimum Age :

  • 16 Year Old
  • Academic Requirement

    • Complete secondary school education or its equivalent.
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    Financial Accounting

    In this course, learners will learn how to create financial statements, examine how costs are classified, how budgets are created, and the various reports generated. Utilising key accounting concepts, the learners will analyse how financial information is used to evaluate organisational performance and to make effective management decisions.

    Minimum Age :

  • 16 Year Old
  • Academic Requirement

    • Academic Requirement: Complete secondary school education or its equivalent.
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    English Language Short Courses

    Learning bitesize online English courses will progressively develop the learners’ competency to the respective proficiency level in four language skills essential to effective communication for future career development and further education opportunities: speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the following levels:

    Academic Requirement

    • Acquire the ability to use English in a wide variety of situations for future career development and as a language entry requirement to higher education.
    • Acquire the skills and strategies for effective language learning.
    • Develop competence commensurate to the respective proficiency level in four language skills essential to effective communication: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
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