Mr Barry on Keeping Relevant and Staying Sharp

We hear from Mr Barry on how he is keeping his students engaged, and got him to share some tips on how you can keep yourself motivated during this period. 

“With social distancing still in place and likely to be for some time to come, it is essential to try and stay focused. There is an old saying that is still prevalent today, ‘fit body, fit mind’. So, these are my top tips for keeping your spirit alive and getting prepared to join the hospitality workforce as we return to some form of normality.”

1.0Go for a walk or slow jog every day, preferably in the evening as it’s cooler (you will sleep better!)

2. Read 1 to 2 pages from a book every day. The best time is around 7 am or 6:30 pm for most people. Just think how much knowledge you can pick up in just a few  minutes of reading.

3. Have a party with friends and do your assignments together via zoom.

4. Do not forget family time; set a time to have zoom meals with loved ones back at home. I do once a week. We know how precious family is.

5. Many of you know me for being open-minded and straight forward; remember this, sharing a problem cuts the problem in half, and as many of you remind me “sharing is caring”.

Finally let’s find ways to have some fun despite all the worldly issues, stay focused and remember you are the future of this great industry which will continue to serve customers for many years ahead.


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