Knead to Relax? Baking Is The Perfect Stress Release

As the COVID-19 pandemic surges globally, schools and companies are adapting to working remotely, choosing to limit contact with others to mitigate the virus transmission. Many are looking for ways to pass time as evidenced by the enormous amount of articles on what to watch, how to keep entertained, how to kill boredom, and how to continue learning at this time of the pandemic. Efforts to “flatten the curve” have meant people are spending much more time cooped up at home, and many have turned to baking.

As baking becomes a widespread activity for most people in response to the present-day condition striving to release their stress and anxieties, it is vitally important to have a class that can help them enhance their skills and creativity in a quality and timely manner while having fun and gaining valuable experience.

Mixing, kneading and rolling all of them have a calming quality, forcing you to be present and not mentally stuck in the future or past. This may assist one in coping with their volatile emotions. Baking is not just about kneading, mixing, or decorating but it is also a form of art where you can showcase your unique skills and techniques to produce an edible art piece through its ingredients, flavour and texture.

SISH Institute’s new subsidiary unit, Academy for Lifelong Learning, offers Pastry and Baking workshops such as Creative Cookie Workshop, Japanese Breadmaking, Bagel Making Workshop and more. Led by our fun culinary and baking instructors, pick up tips on baking and as a way to strengthen the bond between you and your loved ones!

Gain hands-on experience in areas related to baking preparation, decorating, and techniques to improve your knowledge and skills. Furthermore, because you are the baker, you can be certain that what you consume is fresh and free of preservatives!


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