New intake for MBA and Aviation programme now open!

MBA in International Hotel Management: 09 March 2020 Intake now open!

Get yourself future-ready with our MBA in International Hotel Management!

This programme prepares students for specialized executive and managerial positions in hotels and tourism companies. The programme combines cutting-edge management science with traditional know-how in hotel and restaurant management. Course work is reinforced through the immediate application of knowledge in practical settings.

More details on the course here:

Diploma in Aviation and Travel Operations: 28 May 2020 Intake now open!

Want to work in an award-winning airport? We can help make that dream come true!

The Singapore aviation and travel industry is set to become one of the most promising places to be in. In partnership with IATA, SISH’s Diploma in Aviation and Travel Operations prepares students to embark confidently in this booming global aviation and travel industry.

More details on the course here:


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