SISH Alumni Spotlight: Angeli Ruth

Hear from SISH Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management (Class of 2019) alumna Angeli Ruth (2nd from left in image) as she shares how experiential learning during her college days have helped shape her views on personal growth. She also shares some advice to our current students! 

“I enrolled in SISH to fulfil a dream of travelling to Singapore. I am so glad that I chose to enrol in SISH, as the training I received would prove to be of great use for my future career.

Although the practical training I underwent was physically exhausting and mentally draining, I would say “yes” to do it all over again. 

Before even graduating, I landed a job as an event coordinator. I am very thankful and grateful to the SISH Institute for all they have done for me.”

When asked what advice she would give our students:

“Listen to your lecturers! They may be intimidating at times but they only want what is best for you. Also, attend seminars or training workshops as much as you can, so as to hone your skills and to re-evaluate if that is truly what you want to be. 

Lastly, if you feel physically exhausted, mentally drained and emotionally broken, it is okay to cry. They are the indications that your goals are already within reach.  Never let struggles poison you.

To be part of this industry is never easy, but once you are there, it is worth it. You may be struggling right now but it will pass!”


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