SISH Alumni Spotlight: Min Khant Zin

I chose to enrol in Vatel Singapore because it fits in perfectly with my career aim. During the time I have spent there, I have been lucky enough to encounter great teachers, helpful staff, and classmates!“

The solid education foundation Min gained in his Bachelor’s studies had served as a stepping stone in climbing up the corporate ladder.

“After completion of my degree course, I was equipped theoretically and the practical skills I acquired made me very confident in myself. I am so glad I enrolled in Vatel Singapore”, shares Pun Hlaing Hospitals’ Brand Activation Assistant Manager and Vatel Singapore Bachelor’s Degree in International Hotel Management 2018 alumni Min Khant Zin.

Equip yourself with the skills to progress your career in the dynamic hospitality and tourism sector now!

His full interview: 

Where are you currently working at and can you briefly describe your job scope?

I am currently working as a Brand Activation Assistant Manager for Pun Hlaing Hospitals, right after my journey at Rosewood Yangon as an Assistant Marketing & PR Manager when I came back from Singapore. 

My current role is to manage consistent and updated branding across all Pun Hlaing hospitals and clinics in Myanmar. I am also helping to develop and execute activities to increase brand awareness and positioning. 

What was the most memorable part of your education? What is a specific moment in the classroom or during the application process where you knew you were on a path to your future career?

I always remember how we prepared and executed the Hospitality Leaders’ Reception and how we questioned one another positively during every single presentation at SISH. I am always looking forward to group discussions with my classmates of different nationalities, and through all these interactions, I picked up on their individual views whenever we have given a case study to work on.  

How do you feel you are better prepared for your future career?

Of course, the feeling is great. I felt like I was fully equipped theoretically and practically after finishing my degree course. I was very confident in myself to continue my working journey and yes, I will bring this confidence with me.

What advice would you offer to current and future students? 

My advice to current and future students is to be grateful to be given the opportunity to engage with great lecturers and classmates. Study hard and socialise with the people around you, surely, you will be facing a lot of ups and downs during your studying. Just keep your goal in mind and keep moving forward. I am sure you will make it!  


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