SISH Alumni Spotlight: Stella Heng

Today, we catch up with one of our SISH alumni, Stella (Diploma of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Class of 2015), who is currently the Chef of Mayday Coffee and Food, Melbourne.

How did your SISH Institute prepare you for your career?

Studying at SISH has given me the confidence to step out into a professional workplace. SISH helped me a lot in many aspects, especially in the hospitality industry, both theoretically and practically. The knowledge that I obtained is very useful, especially for people who want to work in the hospitality industry like me. The lecturers are also very knowledgeable and very professional in educating students.

What was your most memorable experience during your time at SISH Institute?

There are so many memorable events that I have experienced when I was studying at SISH. I really enjoy the learning atmosphere in the classroom, because the students were very participative!. I love how SISH often holds activities off-campus, for example; we got to visit the hotel to see first-hand the working environment we will be in after graduation. There was once SISH held an event where students from various countries introduced their culture to others and many more fun activities. I highly recommend everyone to study at SISH Institute!


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